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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Phrazle Answers

 January 30, 2025 Pharazle answer was wrong on every site that claimed to have the Phrazle Answer for today. US News Portal has a long list (scroll to end to find the list) that goes back to Jan. 1, 2024. 

Pharazle has blank square. Like Wordle you try to guess the words to complete the phrase. The game Hint will remove 3 letters. You can use the Hint to keep removing 3 letters if you are clueless as to the answer. The game does not give the answer until you have finished 6 attempts to guess the phrase. Yesterday I had to use letters that were removed just to get to the end, because I could not figure out the answer.

Spoiler Alert: 01/3./2025 Phrazle answer is: Business as usual.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


 "Coincidences are god's way of remaining anonymous." 

I used to keep a list of coincidences. Maybe it is just randomness? Watched two very different movies, back to back to back. They both featured red balloons. It disturbed me that the red balloons were reloaded into the air. Bad for environment and wildlife that might eat them, including turtles and fish if they end up in waterways.

All I thought was "One red paperclip." Is this a god sign to trade a red balloon for something of equal of greater value. 😎 Today's world they coincidences are called "God Winks." 🎈📎 

Games websites play

 I tried to delete my Blue Sky account. 3 tries failed. They sent an e-mail with new password; enter password in the Delete account. "wrong password" 3 times, I copied and pasted the newly sent password. WTF

In the meantime Google pops up "remember new password?" No, do not remember it. Now my saved original passport got gone. 😠😡

I found my index card with Blue Sky log info. Could not tell if it was FU or Fu at the end of password, Got into account; instead of Deleting the account, I deactivated it. I am not going back to Blue Sky, ever. No reason to do so. Hopefully the 120 some followers I acquired can not longer see my previous posts. 

The reason I am leaving: I would not know that Joe Biden said "welcome home," to the Felon (FOTUS,) if people did not post it on Blue Sky. Not the only thing I was blissfully unaware of before someone shared it on the site. Days leading up to Jan. 20, 2025, I asked people that were boycotting the inauguration not to post about the Felon; Make it all about MLK Jr day. 

I posted many videos featuring Dr. King, Jr. Or sharing quotes. No comments, not reposts. I was so disturbed by "welcome home," that I could not shake it off. It is still haunting my brain. 

Games websites play ~ we will send you an e-mail, enter the code, code does not work, try again. Not only Blue Sky, but my Cable provider. It sometimes takes 3 tries to get into the site to pay my bill. Cancelling them the end of the month. Wonder what hoops they will make me jump through to get rid of it. 

None, that requires phoning them. Oy, wonder how long it will take for me to lose my temper and start screaming at person on other end of line? 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Letroso Answer

Jan. 17, 2025 Letroso answer is: chemical. 

You can guess endlessly without getting the answers to this game. No hints or reveal answer. I found today's answer by hints: 8 letters, starts with C, ends with L. I do not know why I frustrated myself with a game that does not reveal the answer when one is stuck. 😕

Boatload Puzzles

Play free online Crossword puzzles at.Boatload Puzzles, LLC 

or scroll to bottom of page to play them right here.

Friday, January 10, 2025


 Letroso is another guess the word game. Correct letters in order, are highlighted in green. Other correct letters are highlighted in light orange. Jan. 10, 2025 the letters finally guessed in order were IMPRE. S in grayed out, or not in play.

I looked high and low for the answer. The best I found said the answer is 7 letters, starts with I ends with E. A word meaning better. I translated into Portuguese, (since it appears that is where the game originates.) Then into German, French, and Spanish.

I give up. Why does the game not show the correct word after X many of wrong guesses? Or somehow show the I Give Up answer? I kept using impress, thinking, they would end the game and whow the answer. Nope. Hate this game.