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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Phrazle Answers

 January 30, 2025 Pharazle answer was wrong on every site that claimed to have the Phrazle Answer for today. US News Portal has a long list (scroll to end to find the list) that goes back to Jan. 1, 2024. 

Pharazle has blank square. Like Wordle you try to guess the words to complete the phrase. The game Hint will remove 3 letters. You can use the Hint to keep removing 3 letters if you are clueless as to the answer. The game does not give the answer until you have finished 6 attempts to guess the phrase. Yesterday I had to use letters that were removed just to get to the end, because I could not figure out the answer.

Spoiler Alert: 01/3./2025 Phrazle answer is: Business as usual.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


 "Coincidences are god's way of remaining anonymous." 

I used to keep a list of coincidences. Maybe it is just randomness? Watched two very different movies, back to back to back. They both featured red balloons. It disturbed me that the red balloons were reloaded into the air. Bad for environment and wildlife that might eat them, including turtles and fish if they end up in waterways.

All I thought was "One red paperclip." Is this a god sign to trade a red balloon for something of equal of greater value. 😎 Today's world they coincidences are called "God Winks." 🎈📎 

Games websites play

 I tried to delete my Blue Sky account. 3 tries failed. They sent an e-mail with new password; enter password in the Delete account. "wrong password" 3 times, I copied and pasted the newly sent password. WTF

In the meantime Google pops up "remember new password?" No, do not remember it. Now my saved original passport got gone. 😠😡

I found my index card with Blue Sky log info. Could not tell if it was FU or Fu at the end of password, Got into account; instead of Deleting the account, I deactivated it. I am not going back to Blue Sky, ever. No reason to do so. Hopefully the 120 some followers I acquired can not longer see my previous posts. 

The reason I am leaving: I would not know that Joe Biden said "welcome home," to the Felon (FOTUS,) if people did not post it on Blue Sky. Not the only thing I was blissfully unaware of before someone shared it on the site. Days leading up to Jan. 20, 2025, I asked people that were boycotting the inauguration not to post about the Felon; Make it all about MLK Jr day. 

I posted many videos featuring Dr. King, Jr. Or sharing quotes. No comments, not reposts. I was so disturbed by "welcome home," that I could not shake it off. It is still haunting my brain. 

Games websites play ~ we will send you an e-mail, enter the code, code does not work, try again. Not only Blue Sky, but my Cable provider. It sometimes takes 3 tries to get into the site to pay my bill. Cancelling them the end of the month. Wonder what hoops they will make me jump through to get rid of it. 

None, that requires phoning them. Oy, wonder how long it will take for me to lose my temper and start screaming at person on other end of line? 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Letroso Answer

Jan. 17, 2025 Letroso answer is: chemical. 

You can guess endlessly without getting the answers to this game. No hints or reveal answer. I found today's answer by hints: 8 letters, starts with C, ends with L. I do not know why I frustrated myself with a game that does not reveal the answer when one is stuck. 😕

Boatload Puzzles

Play free online Crossword puzzles at.Boatload Puzzles, LLC 

or scroll to bottom of page to play them right here.

Friday, January 10, 2025


 Letroso is another guess the word game. Correct letters in order, are highlighted in green. Other correct letters are highlighted in light orange. Jan. 10, 2025 the letters finally guessed in order were IMPRE. S in grayed out, or not in play.

I looked high and low for the answer. The best I found said the answer is 7 letters, starts with I ends with E. A word meaning better. I translated into Portuguese, (since it appears that is where the game originates.) Then into German, French, and Spanish.

I give up. Why does the game not show the correct word after X many of wrong guesses? Or somehow show the I Give Up answer? I kept using impress, thinking, they would end the game and whow the answer. Nope. Hate this game. 

Monday, December 23, 2024

The Onion Field

 The Onion Field is a novel by Joseph Wambaugh. I used a lot of onions for Farm Town food factories, which is why I named this farm The Onion Field. I must have remembered that a dead body was found in an onion field. Using a swimmer for the dead body, I created a murder scene. 

In the beginning when we visited our neighbor's farms we could see the graphics. If anyone noticed my murder scene they did not mention it. When Slashkey came up with a funeral parlor, players complained. Thus they added the option, not to show the funeral parlor when helping work other's facilities. Religious stuff could also be hidden. I think those items were all decor, not workable facilities. 

I change names and decor of farms often. The Onion Field was one of my originals that stayed the same. This year I started changing names, to that the flower farm became Lilies of the Field. Random farm: Field of Dreams. One is Primitive Radio Gods. It features a person standing outside a phone booth. Game does not offer broken hearts, so I just put regular hearts next to the phone booth. 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Farm Town photos

I tried to take Farm Town Photo of this Flower Farm (Lilies of the Field.) "New" post to Facebook. No thanks, no longer have Facebook. Click Next, and nada.  So used snipping tool. Which was quite annoying trying to capture the dates. I used to know how to take screenshots. I guess it is time for a refresher course. 

I find it hard to believe that I stopped playing in 2009, returning in 2017. Still a long time to play a Facebook game. I would have preferred Gourmet Ranch, if they had not ditched to game. Just do your own thing with no demands from game developers.

Slash Key moved the game away from Facebook  with their independent game site. I made a mistake. I have $35. farm cash, I decided to buy the Dance Hall instead of the Banquet Hall. Oops, need Farm Town beer for the Dance Hall? How did I miss that? I was thinking ~ fill with whiskey and other product from the Distillery.

Banquet Hall was the better choice  ~ have all the factories to produce everything needed to fill it. C'est la vie. I could have tried to earn $40. farm cash to get a larger flower harvester, but I am so done with Slash Key and their Farm Passes!

Bug Zapper

 I bought a battery powered bug zapper to put on puzzle table. It zapped  a few. I was on elevator with Julio, I asked if he could get a better battery powered bug zapper, explaining this one was not attracting and killing the biting flies. He said "put in a work order." 

Next morning, I went to sunroom to get one of my sticky paper traps; I wanted to show the bugs. I brought along the bug zapper. Bruna receptionist has trouble understanding me. First off she says, "You are not allowed to have one of those." Kathy comes in as I am raising my voice. "You are not allowed to have those things, blah, blah," How long has it been, since you put in the work order? Shall I sue your to pay my medical bills?

Beth comes running out ~ Mary Alice, that was me that put in the work order. Bottom line: they will put in a work order.They said Dale might have taken my sticky traps. Dale? Who cleans the sunroom daily suddenly took them? Not allowed, not allowed, not allowed. Well, then why did Beth not tell me I was not allowed to have them all those months ago?

I did not ask; in the heat of the moment, brain stopped processing. How many months did I have sticky traps and no one touche them or told me I was not allowed to have them? I had brought along my plant bug traps, suggesting they ask the plant ladies to put them in the plants. Not allowed, not allowed, not allowed. Do they wonder why I Lost My Temper? Thus far Ehrlich has not come to deal with the biting flies problem. 

How do I know? When I was setting up the new puzzles, fly lands on my finger, lucky I flicked it off with out getting bit. 

My solution would have worked ~ plant traps in the plants and battery powered bug zapper for table. I had a giggle ~ now that someone took the traps with the dead flies, how was Ehrlich going to identify them. What will the rep do? Sit there for hours waiting to see one? 

I would have asked the plant lady if she would put the traps in the plants. But she is not a nice person; and I suspect she may have been the one who took my traps. Someday I will ask if Ehrlich is ever going to come and fix the issue. At the moment I am waiting to see what That Lady does when Santa puzzle if compledted. 

The Fight

 The bug bite medicine made me woozy. Told doc they always give me Prednisone. She did not want to do that. Never had side effects. The prescription she gave me ~ would feel like an earthquake ~ hold on to sink when brushing teeth or washing face, and hands. So I did not go down to sunporch. Someone finished the puzzle I had been putting together. I got a new puzzle; took lids to my apartment, to flip pieces, pick out edges. Went to sunroom to put frame together. Could not finish it, so left it hoping, someone would finish the frame.

Next day I went down to finish it. The completed puzzle was gone. 7/8 years the system was to move the completed puzzle to the right side of table, until a new puzzle was completed. Then we would take that puzzle apart moving the new one in its place. WTF. No one has ever taken a completed puzzle off the table. I am pretty sure I know who did that; although it could have been a new person. 

Typed a sign, put in frame explaining why I was no longer doing puzzles. At least once a day someone would ask: why are you not doing puzzles. CAN YOU NOT READ THE SIGN!   Yes, I have a temper, but I did not lose it; would just reiterate what I wrote on the sign. The woman I suspect of taking the gone puzzle asked. As did her son. Neither one seemed to notice the part of someone taking the puzzle. 

I went to office to put in a work order. Can Ehrlich (pest control) do something about the bugs. Beth did not understand about the bugs, so she came to look. I showed her the dead flies at the back of table along the wall. I shower her with my magnifying glass, what they looked like sticking to the sticky paper. A few days later maintenance wiped the table clean of the dead bugs.  I went back to office, to put in a new request.

What part of calling Ehrlich to identify the bugs and treat them do then not understand? I changed the sticky paper a few times;  catching regular house flies in addition to the tiny biting flies.

Bug Bites

 The fight I had with the office ladies was due to bug bites. Tiny flies. The sunroom is filled with plants. Two walls have windows. Maybe 4 feet from floor, going up to ceiling, creating a Greenhouse of sorts. There is a door leading to the garden and another door leading from parking lot into to the building. Pre COVID, Branda asked Julio if he could get a bug zapper. I do not remember if he told her to put in a request at the office.

He got a zapper. It did absolutely nothing. The wall outlet is too far from the table. Brenda, Francisco and I all got bit. Teresa never did. I am the only one who got cellulitis, requiring a visit to doctor or Urgent care. Brenda and I made traps; Dawn dish detergent & vinegar. He traps caught more than mine did. Julio must have seen our bug traps.

After COVID Brenda got the office to put our puzzle table back in place. That bug zappers is gone. Clarence, Fitness Instructor holds "Happy Feet" classes in Sunroom He used to have them in the West Community Room. But a hassle for him to transport all the stuff from Fitness Center to the Community Room. There is a door from the Fitness Center into the Sunporch. He used to move the stuff back and forth. Now he leaves a table, and supplies on the floor next to it, right in front of the outlet the bug zapper used to be. Did he remove it?  

I have this sticky paper to put in plants to catch plant fungus flies. Since my Dawn traps are not working, I put those sticky traps in styrofoam to stand them up. Caught many, many of those pesky flies. I still got bit. The last time, I decided to walk around the corner down the block, to the Hospital Emergency Room, rather than ask daughter to take me to Urgent Care. Mistake. Four hours later.

Doctor ordered blood test; wait on results; said I might get admitted to hospital ~ not this hospital, the one on Cedar Crest Blvd. WTH? I texted daughter; she came to sit with me. Blah, blah, blah.

That Lady

 That lady, assuming it is a woman, did another little thing that annoyed me.

I had a box lid where I put pieces that went together. Put together part of Santa's scrolled list. The list falls below the table, where there is a globe. I found all these light green pieces that looked to be a part of plants, but were actually part of that globe. So that lady, takes all those green pieces out of that box lid and puts them in a different box.Why? 

They had put together some of the list that I had started. I also had some parts of Santa's white ruffle, red sleeve in that box lid. He is holding that list, so they went together. I did not bother to find the red/white pieces. I just put the globe together. I was able to attach the globe, bottom part of the list to the puzzle. Now do you see why I had those green pieces in that box?

I do not know if the person would notice. The Puzzle Ladies, Francisco, and I often put together parts of the puzzle in box lids. I would put faces together, so when we got to that part of the puzzle, we did not have to search. We also would put words together. We would never take pieces out of the lids someone else was working on. I am glad someone new is doing the puzzles, but the little things annoy me. 

Rose said she did not like new people helping (me!) because they wanted to do things their way. Actually, my way, was the same way as their way. Now I feel the same way. How dare they decided to change our established routine? That last puzzle that some one finished; there were often pieces turned upside down. I never understood why someone would flip them back in the box that way. I know one lady  that would do that. A lovely person; who would only try to put a few pieces of the puzzle together.  

I have a cold or flu. Have not felt up to going downstairs at odd times, to try to catch That Lady. The Santa puzzle will soon be finished. I am not helping; just move the image box off the top of the puzzle; ditto the lids. 😎 Shall see if That Person starts a new puzzle. 

In the meantime I did a 1,000 piece 1950s puzzle in my apartment. I miss the Puzzle Ladies. Even Francisco could be fun to work alongside. Share some laughs. 

Little Things

  Little things disturb me. How many times did I wake last night thinking about little things?

There was the One Big Thing, that I had to force out of my mind to be able to drift back to sleep. 

The little thing: I have been doing jigsaw puzzles with "the Puzzle Ladies" ever since I moved to this apartment complex. 7 years? 8 years? Rose was the first to leave earth for the Great Beyond. Followed by her sister, Teresa, a few years later. Earlier this year, Brenda had enough of Pancreatic cancer, and gave up. "I don't think I can stay here anymore," she told me and Carolyn. We thought she meant in her apartment. Two days later she was in a pre-death coma.

I kept doing puzzles on the sunroom table, because Francisco was doing them. He would never set up a puzzle; did like to finish them. One day we were working together and he has to leave. What did he ask? "So you want me to stay/" I said, "yes,' then said, "no, I am not your boss, do what you want to do." That was the last time he helped put together a puzzle. After a while, I stopped setting up new puzzles. 

People complained. So I relented and started new puzzles. Got into a fight with ladies in the office. After a while, I set up a new puzzle  ~ the frame, flipped all the pieces. I was glad that someone finally finished that puzzle. I had planned to leave it undone, indefinitely. I started a small Santa puzzle. I was glad someone was doing that puzzle with me. Except for the little things. 

We use puzzle box lids to sort pieces. The system was that we put those lids, stacked, crosswise, to the left and right to the puzzle. We would keep the puzzle box with the image, in back of the puzzle. I was leaving it to the side, to make it easier to see the image. So they come along and put that box on top of the puzzle in the middle.Francisco used to put the box on top of puzzles when we were done. I would take it off the puzzle and set it to the back. So I assumed maybe Francisco was helping again.

Later the person would take all those lids, and stack them on top of the puzzle. Why? Ladies used to come check on progress of puzzle daily. Why cover up the puzzle? Must be someone new to the building. I considered leaving a note, telling the person to STOP DOING THAT! Instead, I just keep removing the lids, putting them back to the left and right of the puzzle. Person not getting the hint. 

So that is the Little Thing that was disturbing me. Some newbie comes along deciding to be the Alpha Lady? Assuming it is a lady. I am going to do puzzles the way I want to do them and screw you? 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Rice Fields

 At one time, my Rice Field farm had bamboo trees. I moved the trees to a Chop farm. Not as aestich as this farm once was. 


 Farm Town offers new decorations and holiday themed gifts for major events. I have one small farm where most of my remaining Halloween decor is on display. That farm is named "Loco." It is a small farm where I grow Pumpkins which take four days to ripen. When I put a train on this farm, it's engine was Locomotion. I no longer recall why I had to know which farms had which trains. There is a train manager that I used to load, request boast, and upload. 

I had a lot of Halloween stuff on my Flower farm. I used a lot of the decor to create a graveyard. For some unknown reason all the gravestones disappeared, and that farm had a radical transformation. Perhaps it is now the one with the airport, landing stirpe and planes taking off or landing?


The deep building was one of those unwanted Farm Pass gifts. Likewise, the deep pit. Sold all of these things, except a few skulls. 



Cargo ships were loaded and sent to neighbor's ports. Changed name to Port of Long Beach.

Seaside Park 'farm" also went through changes. The Fish Farming Plant got moved to "Mines Farm." Do not think it was originally placed on the beach. The Plant produced fish bait and containers, such as Oyster container. 

I kept the Santa Lighthouse, Statue of Liberty and sold the other decorations. I had shps ~ some Farm Pass giveaways. I had to keep adding seacoasts to catch enough fish for facilities, such as Sushi restaurant. I liked my original seacoast "farms." This not a favorite edition. 

Tourist Trap

I loved my Tourist Trap farm. The fields in upper right corner were not part of the original, never changed farm. 

Seniors heading for restroom and tourist studying "park" map.

Road leading to Tourist Trap entrance, featured school bus class trip and others heading to the attractions. There was a circus, Sports Arena, gift shop, hotel and food places. I would empty out the facilities, to move them to other farms. Factories in the back produced items needed for the shops, such as hats, mascots, jams and nuts. 

Had a lot of fun pretending to be an owner of so many buildings. 

Animal Farm

Had chicken coups, dairy barns, rabbit hutch, wool sheds, on many farms. The Stables cost Farm Cash dollars, so only had one. I had a much nicer horse farm at one time. One of my farms had a zoo. Maybe I took screenshots of those long gone farms saved on a USB thingy. 

Do not know why I save the images. I seldom take a walk in the past to view them. When I am gone,will anyone want to see my "art" creations using game images? 


Valentines Day

Moved Valentine's Day stuff to create this image for Facebook post. 



I had frozen lake so moved it to LLL winter farm, along with other dollar seacoast and lakes. I moved the Winter Clothing and Winter Decor stores and factories to farm 13. Oversized buildings from Farm Pass. 

Later moved the waterways back to one farm ~ these four could fish twice a day; the others once a day. 



One of the many changes to farm 13 LLL



Farm for daughter Lori who loves Xmas and pink. I used the people to represent her family, brother, dogs, and sister's then husband. 

FT LLL going


I changed farm 13, LLL many times. Sold a lot of decorations when I was quitting Farm Town.